Jamie McDermott – Jamie Irrepressible Live At 12 Bar Club, London


A great performance by Jamie at the 12 Bar Club in London when he was just a mere super talented gay minstrel strolling Tin Pan Alley playing his music and singing his songs. The intensely heartfelt music is exemplified in this performance and his beautiful voice strolls through the octaves like a bird on waves of air.


Jamie McDermott – Jamie Irrepressible Live At 12 Bar Club, London

A great performance by Jamie at the 12 Bar Club in London when he was just a mere super talented gay minstrel strolling Tin Pan Alley playing his music and singing his songs. The intensely heartfelt music is exemplified in this performance and his beautiful voice strolls through the octaves like a bird on waves of air. At about the 18minute mark the video cuts out as deterioration ate it up, but the 32 minute performance is something golden regardless.

Well, I’ve been a singer-songwriter, it’s quite funny being here because I used to perform at the 12 Bar Club around the corner, just with an acoustic guitar for years, just this kind of gay minstrel really wandering around London. I was walking past and just thinking oh ‘First Out’s gone’ and I used to play at First Out for Pride. – Jamie McDermott


Who are the Irrepressibles

The brainchild of vocalist/composer/artistic director Jamie McDermott, London’s Irrepressibles are an orchestral ten-piece equally informed by Baroque music, cabaret decadence, the glam rock of David Bowie and T. Rex, ‘50s exotica, and lush contemporaries like Antony and the Johnsons and the Wild Beasts.

Where is Jamie McDermott off to

McDermott studied rock singing in Guildford where he expanded his countertenor voice to its fullest. His works went in a new releasing two acoustic solo albums, Newclear Skies, and Nude, that drew comparisons to Jeff Buckley. McDermott continued writing music as he pursued a degree in Commercial Music at the University of Westminster. From this he mixed music production with music’s sociological effects, and a need to make larger than life cathartic songs with bigger backdrops, he formed the first version of the Irrepressibles in 2002.

Jamie McDermott Video Stats:
Date of Recording:  Jun 6, 2001
Video: NTSC
Time: 32min
Digital File Size: 320Meg

Video Taster Jamie McDermott @ 12 Bar Club:

“On The Edge Of Now”

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